Cryolys for Precellys Evolution

Cryolys for Precellys Evolution
Regular price $6,300.00 (EQ05068-200-RD001.0)

Cryolys Evolution is a patented cooling system compatible with Precellys Evolution. It prevents thermo-sensitive samples from heat degradation during the homogenization process.

The Cryolys Evolution is the cooling system specially developed for Precellys Evolution tissue Homogenizer.

Based on dry ice sublimation, it enhances the efficiency of molecular extraction, resulting in premium quality analysis, maintaining the desired temperature between 0 and 10°C before and during the homogenization.

The Precellys Evolution tissue Homogenizer software monitors the temperature for fully accurate results. It allows an optimal protection of the sensitive molecules from heat degradation. Cryolys Evolution is the ideal solution when working on native state thermo-sensitive molecules such as active RNA, siRNA, metabolites, enzymes, proteins while getting a high yield extraction.

Watch Cryolys Evolution in action, the most efficient cooling unit!

- Efficient cooling: before, during, and after processing

- No need for compressed air or power supply

- Accurate temperature monitored by Precellys® Evolution software

- Minimal bench space


- 1,5kg/3,3lb of dry ice

Space requirement:

- Heigh over bench: 70cm

- Depth of the bench: 70cm

Dry ice consumption:

- 1,5kg/3,3lb for 30 min (run time)


- Full unit: 2,6kg/5,7lb

- Detachable cooling module: 1,3kg/2,8lb


- Length: 335mm

- Width: 335mm

- Height: 100mm


- Unit plugged to a Precellys Evolution


- <60dB


- CE

Catalog number:

- EQ05648-300-RD001.0

The Cryolys technology presents two main features:

1- The cooling patented technology of Cryolys Evolution is based on the cold generated during dry ice sublimation by ambient air without frost apparition. The ambient airflow in contact with dry ice is getting immediately cooled and is injected in the tubes area.

 2- This airflow is adjusted depending on the desired temperature and the monitored temperature ensuring protocol’s accuracy and therefore fragile molecules protection during the homogenization process.


Easy to install:

- Powered and controlled by Precellys Evolution, no compressed air required

Easy to use:

- Precellys Evolution software automatically monitors the protocol run

Fast and accurate:

- Target temperature reached in less than 2minutes and fully monitored

Cryolys Evolution is a patented cooling system compatible with Precellys Evolution. It prevents thermo-sensitive samples from heat degradation during the homogenization process.

The Cryolys Evolution is the cooling system specially developed for Precellys Evolution tissue Homogenizer.

Based on dry ice sublimation, it enhances the efficiency of molecular extraction, resulting in premium quality analysis, maintaining the desired temperature between 0 and 10°C before and during the homogenization.

The Precellys Evolution tissue Homogenizer software monitors the temperature for fully accurate results. It allows an optimal protection of the sensitive molecules from heat degradation. Cryolys Evolution is the ideal solution when working on native state thermo-sensitive molecules such as active RNA, siRNA, metabolites, enzymes, proteins while getting a high yield extraction.

Watch Cryolys Evolution in action, the most efficient cooling unit!

- Efficient cooling: before, during, and after processing

- No need for compressed air or power supply

- Accurate temperature monitored by Precellys® Evolution software

- Minimal bench space


- 1,5kg/3,3lb of dry ice

Space requirement:

- Heigh over bench: 70cm

- Depth of the bench: 70cm

Dry ice consumption:

- 1,5kg/3,3lb for 30 min (run time)


- Full unit: 2,6kg/5,7lb

- Detachable cooling module: 1,3kg/2,8lb


- Length: 335mm

- Width: 335mm

- Height: 100mm


- Unit plugged to a Precellys Evolution


- <60dB


- CE

Catalog number:

- EQ05648-300-RD001.0

The Cryolys technology presents two main features:

1- The cooling patented technology of Cryolys Evolution is based on the cold generated during dry ice sublimation by ambient air without frost apparition. The ambient airflow in contact with dry ice is getting immediately cooled and is injected in the tubes area.

 2- This airflow is adjusted depending on the desired temperature and the monitored temperature ensuring protocol’s accuracy and therefore fragile molecules protection during the homogenization process.


Easy to install:

- Powered and controlled by Precellys Evolution, no compressed air required

Easy to use:

- Precellys Evolution software automatically monitors the protocol run

Fast and accurate:

- Target temperature reached in less than 2minutes and fully monitored
